What Is Lsd?
LSD is part of the most potent family of mood changing chemicals. Manufactured for lysergic acid, it is found on the fungus that grows in grains, and rye. The crystal form is typically produced in illegal labs, mainly found in the United States. The crystals are morphed into a liquid formulation for distribution. The drug is odorless and colorless, accompanied by a slightly bitter taste.
LSD has many street names, the most common one being acid or Hallucinogenic. It is sold in the form of small tables or capsules. Often added to absorbent paper, it is broken down into small squares that are imprinted with designs or characters. Rarely, it is sold in its liquid form too.
No matter what form is consumed, LSD leads the user to experience a severe disconnect from reality. This is what is called the “trip” from the drug, and can potentially lead to a “bad trip” as well.
What Are The Risks Of Lsd?
The effects of LSD can range, and are widely unpredictable. Naturally, they depend greatly on the amount that is taken, the user’s personality and mood at the time, as well as the surroundings in which the drug has been used. The initial effects are typically felt within 30 – 60 minutes of consuming the drug. The pupils will become dilated, and the body temperature can either peak or fall. Sweating is also very common.
The users might experience a loss in appetite, and sudden changes in the mood, as well as restlessness. Visual changes are also part of the most commonly reported effects. Certain colors may become more entrancing than normal. Heavy changes in mood are experienced, resulting in anything from absolute bliss, to intense fear and terror. The user is left helpless, and unable to differentiate between what is reality, and hallucination.
These people will completely dissociate themselves from their normal daily routines, and will feel the urge to keep on consuming more, in order to keep the high alive and steady. Some users experience exceedingly terrifying thoughts, and sudden despair. Making them feel like they are losing control of their surroundings and themselves. Once a bad trip starts, there is no way to stop it. It continues for up to 12 hours. There is a risk of some people never been able to recover from the delusions.
When consumed in large doses, visual impairments, and hallucinations are extremely common. Sizes and shapes of objects can change, and appear distorted as well as movements and sounds. These sudden changes can even pave the way to a panic attack. The ability to make judgements is entirely lost, subjecting the person to some serious risks in an outdoor environment.
Some people might even be left with recurring flashbacks of the trip, long after they have stopped taking LSD. The users therefore, might have to battle with clinical depression, and extreme paranoia. As a drug that accumulates in the body, it demands a higher dose each time to reach the same high.