Whether you’ve been referred to us for an assessment, or if you simply have questions about your child’s mental health. We’re ready to give you all the answers.
A psychoeducational assessment is not as probing as it sounds. Simply put, one of our psychologists will conduct a series of standard tests, which will help in determining your child’s needs. And also ensure that they will be matched with the right therapist.
We can assess the following:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Behavioral difficulties
- Childhood disorders
- Cognitive abilities
- Giftedness
- IQ
- Learning difficulties
- Memory
- Mental retardation
- Personality disorders
- Pervasive developmental disorders
Who Would Need Psycho Education?
If you worry about whether your child has ADHD or, if anything else is impacting their ability to learn, it’d be a good bet to go through with our assessment.
Whether it’s relevant to your child’s learning development, or if the child is experiencing social, and behavioral difficulties; this assessment will help in tapping right down to what’s really going on in their heads.
We can leave you well equipped with the knowledge you need to be more supportive of your child, so you can help them both academically and socially. We can also assess children who are operating within or outside the normal range. A profile of your child’s behavior, personality, cognitive abilities and social skills will be provided to you.
Psycho Education Process
Our psychoeducational assessment is typically carried out over a few weeks.
You and your child’s teacher may be asked to complete an email form with information about your child, which you will have to bring to the appointment.
We would then have a one-hour session that would take place at The IPCRC with one or both parents to review the developmental history of your child. Your child would not be present for this.
You may then be asked to provide consent for our therapists to speak with your child’s teacher; and may also have to offer consent for a psychologist to be allowed to observe your child in class for 20 – 30 minutes.
A follow up appointment will then be scheduled for the assessment.
The assessment would usually be conducted in our clinic over a course of two to three days, and would include achievement and cognitive measures, to probe out any underlying disorders.
Once the entire data has been collected, our psychologist will proceed to consult with another psychologist on the team to get a thorough picture of the assessment scores and results.
The information gained from psycho education will then be thoroughly analyzed and compiled into a comprehensive psychoeducational report. This information will be discussed with you in person, in a feedback session that would last between 30 minutes to an hour.